Is your child transitioning to kindergarten?
Now is the time to reach out to your Kinsight and school team to ensure you have the documentation needed for the transition. If you are living in the Tri-Cities or New Westminster area, below is some information about how to prepare for the kindergarten transition.
Tri-Cities families:
1. Reach out to your team to get assessments and reports completed.
2. Gather all necessary paperwork (assessments and reports) and email or drop off in an envelope to your Zone Coordinator. If you’re unaware of who your Zone Coordinator is, contact your SCD Consultant.
3. At this time, your Zone Coordinator and SCD Consultant are scheduling observations for your child at their childcare programs.
4. Keep an eye out for an email from your school with your appointment to meet with the school team, at this meeting you are welcomed to invite anyone from your home team.
New Westminster families:
1. Reach out to your team to get assessments and reports completed.
2. Gather all necessary paperwork (assessments and reports) and email or drop off in an envelope to your SCD Consultant.
3. Your SCD Consultant will be in touch with the school team, to arrange for a kindergarten transition meeting. At this meeting you are welcomed to invite anyone from your home team and they usually happen in May or June.
4. Around the same time as the transition meeting, the school team may schedule observations for your child at their childcare programs.
If you have any questions, please contact your Supported Child Development Consultant at Kinsight or email us at nwcc@kinsight.org (for New Westminster) or tccs@kinsight.org (for Tri-Cities).