We were founded by people who wanted something more for their sons and daughters, and for their community.  People just like you. There are many ways you can get involved to move forward with our collective vision.  Volunteer your time, interest and expertise, become a member, donate, or invest with us in research and development for new services, homes for people or inclusive community space.


Interested in Joining Kinsight’s Board of Directors?

If you are looking for a meaningful way to support your community, consider joining Kinsight’s Board of Directors. Kinsight has been serving our community for more than 65 years and you could join our committed team of directors that will be helping to shape our future. Learn more about the Board of Director roles, responsibilities and opportunities [here] or contact us at info@Kinsight.org



Your donations support families every day.  Whether it’s a signature investment in housing that helps someone for a lifetime, or a contribution that enables us to offer an innovative service – every gift is vital.

Community donations have helped us pilot a number of services we offer, some of which have gone on to receive government funding, but that funding can only take us so far.  With your support, we’re continuing to push ourselves further to explore new options for the future, such as Kudoz and affordable housing partnerships.

Donations help people live with dignity.  Your contributions support families and their sons and daughters to have access to things like comfortable furniture, equipment, and workshops and toys that promote development.

Our goals are ambitious and we can only achieve them your support.



To be successful in our vision, we must make meaningful connections with our community, from families to neighbours to businesses.  One way we do this is by opening our doors and inviting our community to get to know us better through volunteering.

When you volunteer at Kinsight, you help to build a better, more welcoming community. Volunteering is a great way to:

  • Share your talents and interests with others
  • Gain new experiences and learn from others
  • Get to know and contribute to your community
  • Meet new people
  • Explore a career

We will do our best to match your passion and skills with a volunteer role.  Opportunities have ranged from child-minding during parent drop-in sessions, to supporting special events, to youth leadership mentoring.

Contact us to discuss volunteering at info@kinsight.org.


Become a Member

Members are people who care about people within our community and who value our vision. They help to shape the work we do and the direction we travel in.

As a member, you have a voice in Kinsight’s direction. You are eligible to vote at our Annual General Meeting, where we elect our board of directors.

Becoming a member is an easy way to show your support and to show us that you believe in what we do.

Take a moment now to fill out the membership form.