COVID-19 Updates for Staff

April 5, 2020

All Staff Memo – COVID-19 Pandemic Planning and Response All staff memo re COVID 19 040420

Below is information that went out to families, caregivers and people served this past week:

Outreach flyer People Served 04012020

Kinsight’s COVID 19 Community Outreach Info Bulletin 040120

Kinsight’s COVID 19 Update 040120

March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions:  Kinsight FAQ COVID-19 March 262020

COVID-19 Staff Procedures: Kinsight COVID-19 Procedures March 26

COVID-19 Daily Assessment Questionnaire for Home Visits:  COVID-19 Daily Assessment

March 22, 2020


TO:                      All Staff

FROM:               Christine Scott

DATE:                March 22, 2020

RE:                      COVID 19 planning

It’s been an intense week as we work to respond to the challenges of COVID–19. I want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep people we serve, our community and all of you healthy. I know that you are working hard to do this as well, and that it is an extraordinarily difficult time both personally and professionally. I am more grateful than I can possibly tell you for the work that you do and the care you take in doing it.

The importance of our work was reinforced last week by Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer, when she spoke about the essential role of social service providers. We have been working with our funders as we navigate this, monitoring, and following, all recommended practices from public health.

Adapted Services

Most of our services have been adapted, allowing staff to work from home where possible, and to support people in their own homes.

We had already made significant changes at our community inclusion programs, and on Friday, we made the decision to close them completely. Along with our colleagues throughout the province, we have moved to serving people only through their homes – whether on their own, with family or with shared living providers, and in our Kinsight operated homes.

We are working with our staff teams and with families to identify ways we can support them and their family members. This support may be quite different from what we have provided in the past, and will include:

  • ensuring that people have the things that they need to keep themselves and family members safe and healthy, such as groceries, medications and diapers
  • engaging in more individual supports and walks, rather than group activities
  • learning about new technologies and other ways to communicate with each other

People within Kinsight homes will continue to require essential supports. In other cases, families have chosen not to have their adult children receive services at this time. We have assured them that we will continue to check in with them and they can contact us at any time.

Here is a letter that was sent to families earlier this week and posted to the staff page on the website: Kinsight update 031720

Impacts on staff

Our supports are changing to meet the needs of people we serve and to address the evolving safety protocols. We are working through a number of scenarios to ensure we are able to support our most vulnerable people, which will require flexibility from all of us. Some staff will be asked to:

  • Work different hours and/or different days and take periods of time off to rest and refresh
  • Adapt your role to accommodate additional support requirements
  • Temporarily forgo vacations

I want to assure you that Kinsight is doing everything we can to support you and your family. I know that there are so many different considerations and worries for our staff, and we are committed to working with you to address them as best we can.

Keeping you informed

In the days and weeks ahead, we will communicate often with you and your program teams. We are also using Zoom technology, (which you can access from your phone or computer) and beginning tomorrow we will host regular all staff meetings/calls to share the latest updates and hear from you. You will receive an email from Andrea with an invitation to the meeting and instructions on how to use zoom.

Initially, we will hold these meetings/calls a few mornings a week, one evening per week and on the weekend to accommodate different schedules. I appreciate that you may not be able to attend every meeting, but we will be talking regularly and you can catch up at one of the other meeting times, or reach out to one of our Directors (see below).

Monday and Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m., Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m.

If you have specific questions about the measures we are taking to address COVID-19 and what that means for you, please contact:

One thing that stands out as we navigate this is the commitment of our staff to the people we serve and to each other. Despite the anxiety prompted by this pandemic, I have seen people pull together in so many beautiful ways. I want to thank all of you for your work to figure out ways to stay connected to people and let them know that they are not alone. I know that you are also working hard to stay connected to each other. We in turn, will do our very best to stay connected with you, to keep you informed and to respond to your questions and concerns.


March 17, 2020

Please click on the link below to read an update that was sent to families and caregivers today.

Kinsight update 031720


March 16, 2020


 TO:                      All Staff

FROM:               Christine Scott

DATE:                March 16, 2020

RE:                      COVID 19 and service delivery

Hello everyone,

I’m writing to provide you with the latest information regarding Kinsight’s emergency planning.

In the last few weeks, Kinsight was in the first phase of our pandemic response.  We distributed information to staff about COVID 19, reviewed all procedures for supplies and cleaning, began discussions regarding alternate ways of working and providing services, and made the decision to suspend some services such as groups planned for families over spring break.

With the recent updates from the Government of Canada and the Provincial Medical Health Officer, we have moved into the second phase of our plan.  We are enhancing protocols established last week for Kinsight locations and home and community visits.  Some services are being offered through alternate locations or different means where possible, such as through phone calls, Skype, FaceTime or other video-conferencing technologies.  We are also working with families and caregivers to explore alternatives to larger gatherings and to confirm what other supports people may have available to them.

Additionally, we are asking people questions before visits or before they attend some of our programs.  These include:

  • if they or anyone in their household are sick;
  • if they or anyone in their household are in self-isolation;
  • if they or anyone in their household have travelled outside Canada and are in self isolation.

These questions also apply to staff.  We ask all of you to report to your supervisor if your answer is yes to any of these questions.  Thank you to those who have recently returned from travelling and have advised us that they are self isolating.

The health and safety of people we serve and of staff is our priority.  These measures are intended to ensure that people receive the support that they need and that we reduce the risk to the greatest extent possible.

Kinsight is committed to minimizing any hardship for staff as we work through these challenging times. We are also seeking guidance from our funders and our employers’ association, the Community Social Services Employer’s Association (CSSEA).  CSSEA is engaging with the unions that support bargaining unit staff across the sector about strategies to ensure that organizations are able to maintain staffing levels required for essential services.

Our protocols are being reviewed and revised as required on a daily basis and specific information is being sent to staff in the various service areas.  We have posted information to all staff online here: Please bookmark this link and check back for updates.  Information that goes to all staff will be posted here and linked via our employee intranet site.

If you have any concerns with respect to your work during this time, please contact your department Director, Gareth Williams for Family and Children’s Services or Tess Huntly for Adult Services, or Andrea in Human Resources, as follows:

Gareth 604-306-7172

Tess     604-374-5168

Andrea      604-790-9683

If after speaking with them you would like to contact me, please email me at

I know that this is a very difficult time and I want to take a moment to thank you for your continued commitment to your work, the people we serve, your colleagues and community.


Christine Scott


March 16, 2020

Hi Everyone,

We have put together a hand washing protocol to be implemented immediately.  We expect everyone to wash their hands as they arrive at any of sites.

Please ask each person, staff or visitor to wash their hands upon arrival. We are extending the hand washing protocol to include all of our commercial locations, CI programs and homes.

I have attached a hand washing sign to be posted at each location. Please post a sign on the front door and at the front desk.

Message for our Office/Community Inclusion locations:

Please take away the markers and eraser, and sign in sheet and pens. If you sit at the front desk or provide lunch coverage for any of our Program Support staff, please ensure that you are marking people in and out on the board and check in sheet.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thank you kindly for your assistance!

Esvelda Rujnic | Administration Coordinator


March 13, 2020

Due to the official Global Advisory from the Government of Canada that was issued on March 13, 2020, please be advised that this may have an impact on employee travel insurance coverage and benefits as result of this advisory.

March 13, 2019


Please be advised that the Government of Canada has now issued an Official Global Advisory advising Canadians to “avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada until further notice.”

Your insurance company may now treat this as equivalent to a Level 3 Travel advisory where all non-essential travel should be avoided. Therefore, your travel insurance coverage (emergency medical coverage and trip cancellation insurance) may be void after today, March 13th, 2020 if you decide to travel outside of the country. Because of this, we strongly advise against all travel until further notice.

For employees who are currently outside of the country, coverage may be in place as long as they comply with the advisory and try to return home as soon as possible.

For the most current information relating to the coronavirus outbreak, please visit the Federal Government’s website here.

Other important resources:

Provincial Health Authorities:

First Nations Health Authority

TEL: 604-270-1142 – FAX: 604-270-3662 – EMAIL: INFO@DUPUISLANGEN.COM

If you would like further information, you can visit the GroupHealth Statement: “Coronavirus (COVID-19) and your Benefits Plan”, located here:


MARCH 12, 2020


There is much information about Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the news these days, including some conflicting information. Kinsight is committed to the health and safety of the people we support as well as the staff and families / networks across all areas. We are working hard to ensure we are prepared as the situation evolves.

Kinsight continues to work with it’s funders actively monitor provincial health updates (Health Canada, CDC, Fraser Health). The following information provided by these authorities is intended to help reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.

How is Coronavirus transmitted?

Like seasonal influenza, Coronavirus is spread in the following ways:

  • From person to person through coughing or sneezing;
  • Through close personal contact such as touching or shaking hands;
  • Through touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands.

What are the symptoms of Coronavirus?

The most common symptoms for Coronavirus (COVID-19) are:

  • Fever (38 degrees Celsius or higher)
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat

What can you do to protect your health – and the health of those around you?

Practice good respiratory etiquette:

  • Cover mouth and nose during coughing or sneezing – with a tissue or flexed elbow
  • Dispose of used tissues in a plastic lined waste container, then wash hands immediately after with soap and water (or use sanitizer).

Practice good hygiene:

  • Avoid touching the face
  • Practice good hand hygiene:
  • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
  • If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
  • Wash hands often, especially after using the bathroom, before leaving home and when arriving at your activity location, before food preparation and eating, and after using public transit
  • Remind and/or help others to practice good hand hygiene
  • Avoid sharing items (eating utensils, dishes, water bottles etc.) and encourage others around you to do the same
  • Pay attention to frequent regular cleaning and disinfecting especially high touch areas such as phones, computer keyboards, light switches, doorknobs, grab bars, etc.

Kinsight is also asking all families and networks for their help and support and have communicated the following:

  • If you are sick (flu-like symptoms: cough, sneezing, fever, sore throat and difficulty breathing), please do not visit a Kinsight home / location or any supported individual.
  • If you have concerns that you (your family / network members) may have the Coronavirus, please contact your medical professional / 811 (provincial health information line) immediately to discuss the symptoms and inform your Supervisor/Coordinator immediately.
  • If you have travelled or have plans to travel outside of Canada or have been in direct recent contact with people that have travelled in areas with travel advisories (or on any cruise ships), please check with the health authority and help us by notifying your Supervisor/Coordinator immediately.
  • Ensure that you and the person that you are visiting are stringently following universal precautions and please refrain from attending large congregate events.
  • Be aware that staff from our home and community visiting programs may contact you to review precautionary measures and reconfirm their visit to you prior to visiting with you or your family member.